Financial Freedom and Mental Health

Financial Freedom and Mental Health

Do you always find yourself with more bills than money? Feel like you are a slave to your debt? It’s no surprise. One of the biggest things us grown folks freak out about is money. Not only is money ruining our fun but it’s also taking a toll on our mental health. Let’s see if we can get your financial freedom and your mental health back in good shape.


(April) Fool Yourself Into Saving Money

(April) Fool Yourself Into Saving Money

Saving money tricks are everywhere and let’s face it – you want to save month every month but you don’t. Just like starting that diet or cleaning out that junk drawer, you put it off and think it’ll somehow magically be easier next month.

Newsflash: it won’t get easier until YOU make it a HABIT!


Frugal Valentine’s Day Ideas for Dad

Frugal Valentine’s Day Ideas for Dad

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you haven’t got a lot of time to earn money on the side or take out a second mortgage in order to buy your sweetie a bauble or twenty-two pounds of chocolate. Last year I wrote about Valentine’s Day ideas for parents, but this year I’d love to take a moment to focus on Dads. While I still stand by it being more important to focus on an experience over a physical gift, I’ve included ideas for both in this post.


7 Tips for Paying Off Medical Debt

7 Tips for Paying Off Medical Debt

Medical debt can be a scary thing to have to overcome. Whether it’s yourself or a loved one battling it, medical debt isn’t something that’ll just go away. That’s why today we’re going to get into tips to help you finally get out of debt and pay off the beast that is medical debt.
