The rise in U.S. inflation, mainly due to surging energy prices, has a direct impact on everyday Americans. As energy costs increase, so do expenses at the gas pump and potentially utility bills. While wage growth offers promise, it’s offset by rising living costs, leaving disposable income stagnant. Uncertain interest rate cuts mean borrowing for mortgages, car loans, and credit cards may remain costly.

CPI Numbers Paint a Concerning Picture

Recent data from the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reveals an inflationary uptrend, with the CPI rate for the 12 months leading up to August jumping to 3.7%.

This figure overshoots the Federal Reserve’s preferred two percent benchmark. Aided largely by a significant hike in energy costs, the current inflation status potentially puts a pause on the anticipated central bank interest rate reduction.

Nathaniel Casey, a seasoned investment strategist at Evelyn Partners, emphasized that the consistent growth of the US economy may signal more interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve.

The U.S. Economy’s New Challenge

While the Federal Reserve’s interest rate cuts seem unlikely, it’s essential to understand the broader implications of these economic shifts on the average American household.

The current inflation trend, dominated by rising energy prices, paints a mixed picture for the U.S. economy. On the one hand, there’s economic growth and wage hikes, but the tangible effects of inflation could squeeze the average household budget.

A Glimpse into the Everyday American’s Pocket

For the average American, inflation isn’t just a statistic; it’s a tangible shift in their daily purchasing power. A rise in energy prices means higher costs at the gas pump and potentially increased utility bills.

While wage growth may seem like a boon, it can be offset by the rising costs of goods and services, leaving net disposable income almost unchanged.

With interest rate cuts seeming distant, borrowing costs for mortgages, car loans, and credit cards might remain high.

The Driving Force: Energy

The hike in energy prices is the key factor driving this upward inflation trend. Energy inflation spiked to 5.6% due to higher crude oil prices, causing gasoline prices to rise significantly in August.

Gasoline prices played a big role, contributing to more than half of the overall monthly inflation increase.

But it’s Not Just Energy. While energy prices play a predominant role in the overall inflation picture, they aren’t the sole contributors. Core inflation, which doesn’t include energy and food costs, dropped to 4.3% in August from the previous month’s 4.7%.

This suggests that while energy costs are an undeniable influence, other sectors remain relatively stable. Another inflation influencer is the sustained wage growth, with average hourly earnings in August mirroring core inflation at an increase of 4.3%.

Awaiting FOMC Decisions

Casey states that even though recent data shows lower inflation and a calmer job market, the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) might still opt to keep higher interest rates for a while. The FOMC’s decisions will shape the short-term financial landscape for everyday Americans.

Any decisions related to interest rates will be revealed at the FOMC meeting on September 19-20.

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The post How Rising Inflation and Energy Costs Impact Your Household Budget first appeared on Mama Say What?!

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