Thrifty Guardian

The Heart of American Values: Informing Families and Making the Most of Your Money

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Making Money with Ultimate Bundles

Making Money with Ultimate Bundles

Ultimate Bundles is one that more and more bloggers are becoming familiar with - and for good reason! If you've read my thoughts on affiliate marketing, you're well aware that there are a number of options and routes to take when it comes to making money with...

How to Pay Down Debt Fast

How to Pay Down Debt Fast

Paying down debt can go such a long way to living a better, healthier life. Less debt means less stress, but it also means less time spent having to find ways to make sure the bills are paid each month. In January 2016, our household debt totaled over $200,000. Now...

Ten Quick Steps to Finally Control Your Finances

Ten Quick Steps to Finally Control Your Finances

If you’re cursed with indecision and you’re having trouble starting, sometimes a concise list of important steps on the journey can be all you need. Regaining Control of Your Finances When I was thinking about quitting my job to become a WAHM (and run a blog...

Is Amazon Prime Worth It?

Is Amazon Prime Worth It?

Unless you're one of the few still holding onto the "joy" that is in-store shopping, chances are good you've used Amazon from time-to-time...heh or if you're like me "time-to-time" means "on a near-daily basis." But are you an Amazon Prime subscriber? Is Amazon Prime...

How to Create an Emergency Fund

How to Create an Emergency Fund

Creating an emergency fund is difficult, especially if you're already struggling to pay all your bills. You may believe that if you have access to a significant amount of open credit, you don't really need to build up a savings or emergency fund. But if disaster...

Developing a Moonjar Mentality

Developing a Moonjar Mentality

Moonjars are my favorite way to teach kids about money! When it comes to teaching children to save money, there are a dozen different ways to do it. I firmly believe in balance, though, whether for your children or for yourself, which is why I encourage you to check...

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