CBD oils are quickly becoming “all the rage” and while I’ve written before on using CBD oil for self care, I want to dive just a bit deeper and talk about how you mamas can use CBD oil specifically for your beauty routine.

CBD Oil for Mom’s Beauty Routine

Now I’m not a seller of CBD oils, but when my mom mentioned she’d been taking it for her fibromyalgia, I decided to look further into what this craze is all about – and that’s when I discovered all the options to use CBD oil for your skin!

Before we go too deep into this, though, it’s important to note that I am in NO way a doctor nor should any of this be construed as medical advice; always talk to your doctor about any health questions or issues.

What is CBD Oil?

For those who are completely unfamiliar with what I’m talking about, CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant.

I already know what you’re thinking and no – it won’t get you high (that’s THC, not CBD). It can however come with certain legality issues, given that while CBD derived from hemp is always legal, CBD derived from the marijuana plant is illegal except in states that have recreational or medicinal marijuana programs.

That said, there is hard evidence that CBD can reduce inflammation and pain when applied topically, which is benefit #1 –

cbd oil for beauty


Skin Calming Effects

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoids, CBD products are great at warding off the irritation that comes with inflammation (hence my mom taking it for her fibro!)

I’ve read many studies on the effectiveness of cannabinoids against skin irritation and thus far they’ve all confirmed the role of CBD, especially topical CBD oil, in helping sooth skin inflammation.

Not only is CBD great at soothing inflamed skin, but it’s also known to reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is when the body has too many free radicals and can’t keep up with neutralizing them using antioxidants. Luckily CBD oil can act as an antioxidant. Beyond that it also has neuroprotective qualities, which lend themselves to reducing neurological damage caused by those free radicals.

CBD Moisturizes

CBD oil contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are a must when looking to improve your overall skin health. Many CBD products also contain something called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is a form of omega-6 fatty acid and again great for moisturizing!

Reduces Acne

While CBD oil reduces inflammation, which in and of itself promotes healthier skin, it also goes beyond that to reduce acne and the like. Supposedly CBD oil often encourages abnormal cell death, which can help with certain skin conditions, like eczema or acne; it’s also great at regulating oil production (so no – using CBD oil will not make your face greasier!)

Anti-Aging Benefits

Now when it comes to CBD oil specifically for my own beauty routine as a busy mom, I think my favorite benefit is that it has anti-aging benefits. I’ll gladly rock my silver streaks as they come in, but I’d really like to keep my forehead from looking like a canyon for at least a few more decades.

Much like we’ve discussed above, CBD works well in the human body because of the body’s ability to produce endocannabinoids. The fascinating thing about the endocannabinoid system is that it acts as an amazing balancing system. So while it can regulate excesses, it can also help if you’re lacking something like antioxidants.

Antioxidants not only minimize the appearance of wrinkles, but they’re a must in keeping your skin from becoming thin and dried out; by ingesting or applying a cannabinoid (like CBD), you’ll get those antioxidants that’ll supply your skin with the boost it needs.

So what do you think – will you be adding CBD oil to your beauty routine?

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